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Purple Sea Lavender

LIMONIUM latifolium (Purple Sea Lavender) is easily recognized by its dense, cloud-like sprays of minute lavender-blue flowers. Sea Lavender blooms throughout summer, reaching peak flowering around August-September.

Growing up to 30″ tall and 30″ wide, L. latifolium grows best in full sun and when planted in well-drained, slightly sandy soil. Sea Lavender is grown primarily for its floral display; however, its large, glossy green, paddle-shaped basal rosette leaves form an attractive groundcover from early spring until summer flowering. The fine texture of Sea Lavender flowers are often used with taller, rougher textured plants such as coneflower (Echinacea), switchgrass (Panicum), or Russian Sage (Perovskia). Sea Lavender can also be used as a stand-alone plant when an interesting yet soft texture is desired. It also makes an excellent cut flower, fresh or dried, in arrangements.

A Northern Sunset perennial, it prefers average, well-drained soil in full sun.

