Gardening is a way of showing that you believe in tomorrow.
Native, Naturally™

Native plants are a popular choice in the upper Midwest because of their diversity, reliability and beauty. The use of Native plants:
- Attracts birds, butterflies and other wildlife by providing habitat and food that they enjoy.
- Stabilizes the soil and prevents runoff, which may be polluted, into streams and rivers.
- In a rain garden helps to filter and clean water from downspouts and parking lots before it reaches the water table.
- Cuts down on mowing and fertilization of a typical lawn, further reducing sources of pollution to the environment.

At W. & E. Radtke, Inc., our selection of fine perennials, grasses, ferns, & daylilies is outstanding. We constantly strive to bring you the newest and best of the hardiest plants available today.

What’s New?
Adding new products to our offerings is a balancing act of customer requests, “filling-in” where we are lacking, refining what we already offer and the desire to bring you the best of the new varieties.

Label System
Our labels are clean, modern & simple to read, and with …the Colors of Success! system you’ve come to know. They will help you and your customers put the right plant in the right place for gardening success.

Color Cards
Native, Naturally Color Cards are an easy-to-read, large format cards with all the same great information contained in the …Colors of Success! Labeling system. Color Cards are available in every variety we grow.

Pocket Guide
These pocket guides were developed to help you, the garden center or landscape professional, use and sell perennials effectively and to provide your customers with all the information they might need.