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Jeana Tall Phlox

Full Sun Perennial Phlox x paniculata Jeana is an exceptional garden phlox renowned for its impressive flower show, tall, sturdy habit, and pollinator-friendliness. The fragrant

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Sagae Hosta

Full Shade Perennial Hosta x Sagae is a stunning sight! Large, thick, nearly triangular leaves are frosted blue-green with wavy, yellow leaf margins that turn

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Pale Indian Plantain

Full Sun Perennial Cacalia atriplicifolia, also known as Arnoglossum atriplicifolium, is found on the edges of woods and fields. It has a majestic, vase shape.

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Rosy Sedge

Part Sun Grass Carex rosea is a petite perennial sedge that forms 12″ mounds of narrow, shaggy foliage. The leaves are deep green and semi-evergreen.

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Sunday Gloves Daylily

Full Sun Perennial Hemerocallis x Sunday Gloves has highly fragrant, 5 1/4″, near-white blossoms with a pale-yellow eye, and a tiny celery green throat. An

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Firewheel Tickseed

Full Sun Perennial Coreopsis x LI’l BANG™ Firewheel (PPAF) is the newest addition to the L’IL BANG™ series. Orange-red with yellow-tipped petals, Firewheel is perfect

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