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General Sikorski Clematis

Clematis x General Sikorski has large, 6”-8”, brilliant lavender blue flowers with yellow anthers. A stunning plant when grown up trellises, arbors or on fencing. The first flush of bloom begins in early summer on the previous year’s growth. This is followed by a second flush, usually around September, on new growth. These tend to be smaller flowered than the first. It is part of pruning group 2, which means that all of the first flowering comes from last season’s ripened stems. In early spring watch for swelling leaf buds beginning to show. Cut all dead material off above these swelling buds. Be sure all growth is tied to the trellis at this time. Do not tie too tightly, so that growth is not hampered by tying too tight or cracking these stems. A beautiful vine that is a great performer in the garden.

A Northern Sunset Perennial, it prefers part sun to part shade in rich, well-drained soil.

