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Plants Susceptible To Freezing Temperatures

We do our best to send out “hardened off” plants.  However, some things are susceptible to damage when the temperatures get below 30°F.  The following is a list of those plants which should be covered when the forecast is calling for cold.  You can cover with a sheet, light landscape cloth, frost blanket, or bring them into a sheltered location.

Amsonia, Anemone (japonica types), Aruncus, Asparagus, Astilbe, Digitalis, Eupatorium, Ferns, Hibiscus, Hosta, Lavandula, Parthenocissus, Perovskia, Platycodon, Rodgersia and Warm Season Grasses: Miscanthus, Schizacharium, Pennisetum and Sporobolus.

