Gardening is a way of showing that you believe in tomorrow.
Care of Northern Sunset Perennials
in the Garden Center

Thank you for purchasing Northern Sunset Perennials, Scarborough Faire Herbs and/or Grandpa Red’s Garden Goodies. We believe you will find our quality plants and innovative label systems an asset to your garden center. Because our growing methods are different than many other nurseries (some would say down-right archaic!) we have prepared a list of care tips which may be helpful to you. Please read them over carefully.
Northern Sunset Perennials are field grown. In early spring, these plants are just waking up. They will not be as leafed-out as plants grown in a greenhouse. The advantage is this: they are “hardened-off” and will be less susceptible to damage by frost! Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. The following species are susceptible to frost damage early in the spring, when they first leaf out: Asclepias, Astilbe, Digitalis, Ferns, Hosta, and Perovskia.
Scarborough Faire Herbs and Grandpa Red’s Garden Goodies are not perennial (for the most part). They have been acclimated to the outdoor environment to a point. However, many herbs and vegetables, especially the Basils , are very tender and are susceptible to frost damage. When the weather service issues a frost warning, get these plants under cover promptly.
Plants from W. & E. Radtke are grown in a mixture of soil, organic matter and fertilizer. Our flats may be heavy coming off the truck but the soil mix is designed to give good performance in the garden center and, more importantly, in your client’s garden! You may find that our plants do not require as much water as other plants in a soil-less mix. And your clients will find that once our plants are free of their pots they very happily take to their new home.
Plants from W. & E. Radtke are in good shape when they are delivered to you. We hope they sell quickly. However, if some of the perennials and herbs linger longer you may do the following in order to keep them looking their best during their stay in your garden center.
- A program of fertilization is beneficial for our plants if they should linger in the garden center for more than a few weeks. 300 ppm of a balanced fertilizer every 2-3 weeks will keep your plants green, healthy and saleable.
- Dead-head your plants when finished blooming. If your plants start to look “leggy”, they may be cut back with no harm done. This is actually good for the plants as energy goes to the roots, and new, lush growth appears. If, after taking into account the above information, the plants you order are not of the quality you expect, please notify us immediately. We strive to keep the quality of our plants and service high.
If, after taking into account the above information, the plants you order are not of the quality you expect, please notify us immediately. We strive to keep the quality of our plants and service high.