Gardening is a way of showing that you believe in tomorrow.
Hardy Succulents
Succulents have been getting a lot of press lately because they are such versatile and low maintenance plants with a bit of an exotic look. However, many succulents that have been highlighted in the press are not hardy here.
Below is a list of hardy succulents. Use them for everything from xeric and low maintenance landscapes, or hot, dry areas in the yard, to accents like trough gardens and craft projects like living walls and wreaths.

DELOSPERMA nubigenum Basutoland
(Basutoland Ice Plant)
EUPHORBIA myrsinites
(Donkeytail Spurge)
LEWISIA cotyledon Rainbow Hybrids
(Rainbow Hybrids Cliff Maids)
LEWISIA x longipetala Little Plum
(Little Plum Cliff Maids)
OPUNTIA humifusa
(Prickly Pear)
SAXIFRAGA x arendsii Purple Robe
(Purple Robe Rockfoil)
SEDUM acre
(Golden Carpet)
SEDUM album Coral Carpet
(Coral Carpet Chubby Fingers)
SEDUM album Murale
(Murale Chubby Fingers)
SEDUM album Red Ice
(Red Ice Chubby Fingers)
SEDUM cauticola Lidakense
(Lidakense Stonecrop)
SEDUM floriferum Weihenstephaner Gold (Wiehenstephan’s Gold Stonecrop)
SEDUM hakonense Chocolate Ball
(Chocolate Ball Stonecrop)
SEDUM kamtschaticum
(Russian Stonecrop)
SEDUM kamtschaticum ellacombeanum
(Yellow Russian Stonecrop)
SEDUM kamtschaticum Variegatum
(Variegated Russian Stonecrop)
SEDUM middendorffianum diffusum
(Middendorf’s Stonecrop)
SEDUM pachyclados
(White Diamond Sedum)
SEDUM reflexum Blue Spruce
(Blue Spruce Stonecrop)
SEDUM rupestre Angelina
(Angelina Stonecrop)
SEDUM sieboldii
(October Daphne)
SEDUM spectabile Brilliant
(Brilliant Showy Sedum)
SEDUM spectabile Hot Stuff
(Hot Stuff Showy Sedum)
SEDUM spectabile Neon
(Neon Showy Sedum)
SEDUM spectabile Stardust
(Stardust Showy Sedum)
SEDUM spurium Atropurpureum
(Red-purple Stonecrop)
SEDUM spurium Bronze Carpet
(Bronze Carpet Stonecrop)
SEDUM spurium Dragon’s Blood
(Dragon’s Blood Stonecrop)
SEDUM spurium John Creech
(John Creech Stonecrop)
SEDUM spurium Leningrad White
(Leningrad White Stonecrop)
SEDUM spurium Red Carpet
(Red Carpet Stonecrop)
SEDUM spurium Royal Pink
(Royal Pink Stonecrop)
SEDUM spurium Tricolor
(Tricolor Stonecrop)
SEDUM spurium Voodoo
(Voodoo Stonecrop)
SEDUM ternatum
(Woodland Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Autumn Charm™
(Autumn Charm™ Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Autumn Fire
(Autumn Fire Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Autumn Joy
(Autumn Joy Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Bertram Anderson
(Bertram Anderson Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Carl
(Carl Autumn Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Chocolate Drop
(Chocolate Drop Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Frosty Morn
(Frosty Morn Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Immergrunchen
(Little Evergreen Sedum)
SEDUM x Matrona
(Matrona Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Mr. Goodbud
(Mr. Goodbud Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Plum Perfection
(Plum Perfection Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Purple Emperor
(Purple Emperor Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Red Cauli
(Red Cauli Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Rosy Glow
(Rosy Glow Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Sunset Cloud
(Sunset Cloud Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Thundercloud
(Thundercloud Sedum)
SEDUM x Vera Jameson
(Vera Jameson Stonecrop)
SEDUM x Xenox
(Xenox Autumn Stonecrop)
Cherry Tart (Cherry Tart Stonecrop)
Dazzleberry (Dazzleberry Stonecrop)
Lime Zinger (Lime Zinger Stonecrop)
(Mixed Hens-and-Chicks)
SEMPERVIVUM arachnoideum
(Cobweb Hens-and-Chicks)
SEMPERVIVUM tect Green Varieties
(Green Hens-and-Chicks)
SEMPERVIVUM tect Red Varieties
(Red Hens-and-Chicks)
SEMPERVIVUM x Pacific Blue Ice
(Pacific Blue Ice Hens-and-Chicks)
B SEMPERVIVUM x Rocknoll Rosette
(Rocknoll Rosette Hens-and-Chicks)
YUCCA filamentosa
(Adam’s Needle)
YUCCA filamentosa Bright Edge
(Bright Edge Adam’s Needle)